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Nourish your brain to get ready for sleep—the time when you do the most productive work of your day Getting a good night’s sleep—of seven to eight hours—on a regular basis can help you feel rested and ready to go. Yet, when stress levels are high and the to-do list is long, getting quality sleep…
We are pleased to announce The GW Medical Faculty Associates Dermatology Department is now offering virtual online visits with our board-certified dermatologists for your skin, hair and nail conditions. To help promote social distancing, and with COVID-19 spreading widely in the U.S., you can…
Dr. Rachel Brem is board-certified in Diagnostic Radiology. She is a professor of radiology and the vice chair of radiology at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Also, she is the director of Breast Imaging & Intervention. Dr. Brem arrived at the George…
Dr. Adam Friedman, Department of Dermatology comments on how to tell if what your peeling lips are a sign of a underlying health condition. See full article here.
From food, to mental health, to school, help is available. Our partners at the GW Rodham Institute gathered a helpful list of resources for residents of the metropolitan DC region during the novel Coronavirus outbreak
Dr. Adam Friedman, Department of Dermatology comments on how to keep your skin healthy while washing your hands. See full article here.
Dr. Adam Friedman, Department of Dermatology comments on whether you should treat facial eczema different from body eczema. See full article here.
Dr. Adam Friedman, Department of Dermatology comments on the safety of using gum wrappers on your face. See full article here.
People who keep weight off tend to have several habits in common. The following strategies can help you achieve long-term weight loss. Exercise every day People in the National Weight Control Registry, a group of more than 10,000 members, have lost an average of 60 pounds and kept their weight…
Dr. Adam Friedman, Department of Dermatology comments on tips to achieve glass skin. See full article here.