Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
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Call 202-823-4220
Services We Offer and Conditions We Treat:
- Intensive care for neuro, trauma, cardiac, medical, surgical and transplant
- Interventional Pain Medicine
- Acute Pain Medicine with home catheter program
- In-patient anesthesia, such as heart, lungs, brain, transplant and trauma care
- Out-patient Anesthesia
- Obstetric Anesthesia
- Preoperative Consultation
- Anesthesia for breast, colorectal, eyes, ENT, general, gynecologic, orthopedic, plastics, robotic, thoracic, MRI-compatible, urologic, and vascular surgery
Experienced Anesthesiologists and Critical Care Physicians in Washington, D.C.
Our physicians provide a wide range of anesthesia services from basic inpatient and outpatient services, to the subspecialties of acute pain medicine, cardiothoracic, intensive care, interventional pain medicine, neurosurgical anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia and transplant anesthesia. They are an integral part of the surgical process, providing medical evaluation prior to surgery, ongoing consultation with the surgical team, pain control and life support functions during surgery, patient supervision immediately following surgery, and guiding patients through the discharge from the recovery unit.